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  • Foto do escritorandreafanganiello

One day

"One day this all will change...

Stop with the violence

Down with the hate"     ( Matisyahu)

"So when negativity surrounds 

I know someday it will all turn around


       Well I'm about to leave Maceió and I do wanna say that it is safe to come here for tourism. Walking on the shore we can see all types of police! I got to realize how many exist. In cars, in bikes; traffic police, militar, even Bope is at the shore. So although it's a very violent city, the tourists won't suffer any harm. And of course I was well treated in the sightseeings and in the restaurants at the shore. So tourists, Maceió has a stunning sea and nature, do come visit.

       Social problems exist due a snow ball started with the Portuguese enslavering so many African populations and killing almost all indigenous peoples. Curious topic: at the university here we learned that the indigenous population in this area of Maceió were cannibals😨. Anyway thats what's good about traveling, we expand our horizons and learn that other people live completely different lifestyles and also learn how History affects us today.

    Today here the majority is treated as "cabrestos" by the people in power. What their leaders say is the absolute truth, never to be questioned. Usually it is not the truth, and news here are scarse, the local newspaper is very thin so all these just make them very vulnerable. Also communist leaders dont want them thinking; as the communist leaders think for the masses. And there's very little individuality in communism, they all have to think the same without questioning. These leaders are informal communists leaders and also the politicians "elected" with a lot of blackmail. People from here told me they threaten to harm the populations if they don't get elected. I am really shocked how communism spreads the closer we get to the Equator line. Venezuela is completely crushed by the communist dictator breaking down their economy to install socialism. In the university here my course was Pedagogy but we studied so much communism! Communist texts, "The Pedagogy according to communism", all that taught by professors who of course are communists. They tell openly that they are communists. And many times the debates in the class were all about communism. I can see why they want me out of here. I don't support communists. Actually they are pretty violent. If anyone is on their way, they just kill. And that's not "prejudice", that's the reality I have seen. Unfortunately I dated a communist once never to do that again. Insane assassins. Actually he told me he was a communist when we were together already, and I thought he was such a decent and cult man. He talked so much about feminism and women's rights against chauvinists! That same man has been threatening to kill me for 3 years. 

        Another thing that shocks me in Brazil is something about the public universities: the project is great, at school we were really encouraged to study hard to pass in public universities because their are surely among the best in the country. I got into 2 courses and I was very disappointed to see how the PHDs professors (in the majority ) treat the students: they flank us in purpose. I even got really sick and still treat a desease due to stress cause by a professor at UFABC, she just wouldn't let me see my test! And flunked me.

       And so many professors are communists. So that creates many times a really hostile environment that has nothing to do with the knowledge that students are after. I already payed to apply for Enem again in another city but I get nauseated just to think about the classes. Maybe I can find an online college.

         Well that's the news for now. Too many barriers and hate to overcome but life is pretty good without these haters. So, let's focus on what's good! Keep inspired! ✌

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