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  • Foto do escritorandreafanganiello

Really, bully? Maybe you can be better.

       Dealing with reality and keeping a positive perspective is everybody's challenge. Of course Polliana took it to a whole new level, but we can all learn something from her. 

       Today I ran into this report on BBC (the photo) called "Instagram now asks bullies: Are you sure?". I was searching for texts about the reason why Instagram removed the number of likes: Studies have shown it  had a negative impact in many people's lives. 

       This text tell us about a 14 year old who took her own life, and negative messages she received have worsened the situation for her. 

       "I'm feeling older 

        and I'm wondering why        I heard they told her it was tell and               live or die          ...         I didn't know her but I know why she died"

        ("This time around", Hanson) 

       14 years old was also me dealing with a recent and almost devastating depression, although at that time it wasn't for bullying. Now I am 31 and thank God the years in which I thought about taking my own life are far behind. I wish I knew God by that time as I know Him today. And I wished I knew about emotional tools and emotional intelligence as I know today but that's just impossible. So I agree that teenagers are much more vulnerable and I'm glad to see modern technologies and big companies demonstrating concern about emotional safety in their platforms.

       They are addressing the bullies before they post the comment and that's a really great idea! Like, "Really? That's you now? That's what you're inclining towards? You were better than that and you can keep being better than that." And that's just awesome. 

        The photo shows a woman saying someone is ugly. I wanna say something about this because it's not like suddenly we can't have likes or dislikes and personal preferences. But it's just like life outside social media, if we don't like let's say something someone is using we don't tell that in someone's face, unless you're good friends and have given each other that space and probably say that in a non offensive tone. Like when I was in São Paulo before coming to Maceió I was with my mom in a shoes store buying flats for us to use here. My mom and I have different tastes for clothes and that has created so many funny situations for us over the years. So I chose this pair of flats that had some metals in it and she was like "You're not taking that pair of sandals, right?". And I was like "Of course I am, it's so beautiful!" And she was like "It's horrible!" and the women in the store started laughing and I was laughing because in many stores I have chosen for me pieces of clothes or pairs of shoes that my mom would never use. But that's okay. Especially in fashion and art, right? So many artists have expressed themselves in History and we admire what combines with our tastes. I follow many designers and when they create something I wouldn't use I just think we'll that's not my taste. That's not my cup of tea. And when I find things I like then I think it's nice to make comments about it. 

       So, saying someone is ugly, writing it down, typing it into the Internet may have really bad effects for that person. And the problem is maybe that's exactly what bullies want. Of course if someone says Gisele Bündchen is ugly sorry she will just laugh at the person because all her body cells know how beautiful she is. But many beautiful women don't feel like they are beautiful well for a lot of oppressive reasons. And many times women who don't feel beautiful about themselves may say others are ugly as a compensation mechanism to make themselves feel a little better. And there's where tech safety measures are necessary.

         People, just be polite. If you don't like something, just let it go, let it goooooo! 

         Less hate, more kindness. 

         And If you're reading this and you struggle with depression don't ever take your life! Hey I had an ex filming our intimacy with a hidden camera and throwing it into the dark web and legions of people telling me horrible things every day for over 3 years and you know what? They are acting like brainless walking deads and I ain't taking my life like he wants me to. Oh no! I'm living fresh and rejoicing in every single day of the life my Good Creator has given me! And if you had the unfortune of being in a relationship like that as well know that for twisted reasons he wants you to suffer, but honey shine bright like a diamond! Cause you are beautiful and horny rude brainless people don't deserve your focus. Take good care of you! Cultivate good friends, pets, whatever brings life into your life! Focus on good things! And let justice deal with the bad guy.

         As an unchangeable lifestyle take good care of yourself and others. Always. 

        "And we woooon't goooo doowwwnnn" yeah. 

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