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Music 🎼🎶🎵🎸🎹

       Thanks to composers, song writers, gifted bands and musicians our lives are so much better because we can sing and listen to songs that resonate with our hearts and thoughts in the very different moments of our lives.

        I remember one time how much Andrea Boccelli's songs helped me overcome a sad event. Music has really therapeutic properties. 

        So a few months ago I watched a Brazilian interviewing the Hansons and I was like OMG, mmmmmbop! Cause I didn't really follow their songs after their huge outbreak, when I was 15 I got into gospel songs and it's such an immense universe of so many great songs. So recently I was like OMG I have a lot of Hanson ' s songs to catch up!

          I really love to discover new songs (we all do, right?) and follow artistic projects. I deal with content and I also consume A LOT of it. And I love it. I was so thrilled when I saw that they had released this album called "String Theory"! My nerd part was like "heeeyyy that's such a cool name!!!". ☺ I loved it. And I started listening to the songs, and they've got an orchestra with them! And the sound is mind blowing. Great bands who've come together with orchestras really marked their fans, like Metallica, Aerosmith. And the Hansons. Heyyy rock fans, I'm eclectic. 

        So with all that melodic structure what really called my attention was a song called "Battle cry". Cause we all have our battle cries, right? May be for small matters, due to pms, we are all gonna cry again when Mufasa dies, or due to more serious issues. We are not iron made. Soooo have you noticed the lyrics? Well I love texts and that's probably why I pay a lot of attention to lyrics. This lyric is beautiful. Deep. Literally is a war context but it's also a methafor for life, and this part is so beautifully written:

       "So if you're up against a wall

        Staring down the firing squad

        They ask you for your final verse

        Be brave, tell them

        To do their worst"

      And this reminded me of a Freud ' s phrase: "One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."

       We think it's beautiful to watch Marvel's superheroes but you know what? Most people's lives would make a great movie. With highs and lows, overcoming situations and heroic acts. There are so many anonymous heroes in this planet. And unfortunately too many bad guys. Our lives are artistic, and we all have our soundtracks.

         And for being bold Freud would say we all need love: "How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved." My greatest source of love is God. Then my mom and my pets (endless source of furry love!). What's your source of Love? 

          Love is a solid abstract thing. As written in Hanson ' s song "Compromise". That's real. That's mature. That's what assures people that they are loved even after some arguments or an attempt for the last word. And it doesn't compensate to change that for a passion. Cause a new love would also go through the passion phase and reach the maturity of a daily life. Love is the strongest force in the universe. If you're so used to it you're almost taking it for granted, just realise how blessed you are.

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