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  • Foto do escritorandreafanganiello

"Get outta here!"

       So, judging by the title you'd think this is about Trump and Mexicans. But no. This sentence is what I have been hearing for more than I year.

       It's interesting. I was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil. Recently during Lula's government he kinda copied the SATs in USA and unified the process to apply for public universities in Brazil. So with one test students who have enough grade can choose a university to study in any Brazilian state. 

        For several years I suffered with Hashimoto's disease,  a type of inflammation in the thyroid. And in 2018 there was a huge infestation of yellow fever in Brazil. I was very worried because having an auto immune disease I was in the risk group for taking the vaccine, so I decided to go to the only region not affected by yellow fever in Brazil, the Northeast. And here I am. I passed in a public university here to study Pedagogy. 

           This year I took the thyroid exam again and (thanks to Jesus I'm sure) my thyroid is "perfect" said the doctor. So now I can go back to my region. 

           But it's interesting... People hated me here. They don't stop saying "get out of here", and call me all sorts of bad names due to an ex who spread our intimacy on the deep web. So for 3 years I've been called very bad names. He has become a criminal, the police is aware, but somehow he hasn't been held accountable yet for making all this people call me bad names every day. 

             And another thing: we usually think that "get out of here" only people of color hear. I'm like super white. And these people of color don't want me in "their" region. I'm still in my country... And they have been so hostile to me at the University here that I had to stop attending classes! Like death threats.

             Okay, unfortunately Maceió is one of the most violent cities in the world. So maybe it was my mistake coming here. But I had to leave because of my health, and now I can't wait to go to colder regions!! 

             You know... Maybe people have the "right" to claim for "their" region... But they sure can't complain when they get as mistreated as they mistreat others, right?

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