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  • Foto do escritorandreafanganiello

Historical advances and backlashes 

          Trump disappointed all decent human beings once again with his complete lack of respect referring to some countries. I was born in Brazil, we are fed up with our politicians and extremely corrupt systems but hey, watch (and wash) your dirty mouth before talking about my country. Of course, that's how we feel, right? We know our problems, we're not proud of them, but mostly they are perpetuated by nonsense politicians who lack morality and human values. So, peoples of all countries: we are valued, wonderful and beautiful beings (I believe made by the hands of a glorious Creator). Above all gold and diamonds in this world, human beings are the most valuable thing that exist! And of course koalas, and pandas, and dogs, cause they are adorable and I love animals, but my point is: HUMAN LIVES MATTER not just a little bit, but A LOT.

       Well, that being said, you know how doctors usually say that fever gets worse before the body can heal? We see this phenomenon in Nature and in social advances as well: Having Barack Obama for 8 years in presidency was a HUGE conquest for so many reasons! He was the medicine the USA was taking to heal the historical wounds of slavery, lack of human rights, lack of compassion and lack of representation. Trump is the fever. The reaction, the backlash the USA is having because nazi movements very unfortunately still exist (how come??!), there are a few white supremacist as citizens of the United States of America and well, they vote. And Trump is a very strategic piece for their movement, basically a rude guy full of money in the headquarters of Capitalism. Trump also represents all troglodytes who think similarly to grabbing women by their pussies, and the market is so full of them. So that's democracy. Everybody gets to vote. 

        Obama and his wife are elegant, decent, wise, and good not only to black people. They are great human beings, thus they are great leaders. Trump represents all people who think money and power come way before anything else. That a strong Godzilla in the white house could make that slowly declining economy the best country in the world again. Trump mat be rude but he knew exactly how to offer his voters what they wanted. Many different groups didn't mind to get what they needed even if Trump was the one giving it to them. Creepy deals.

          Well, the fever will be gone one day. The body's defences are rising to treat the infection. And soon the body will be healed because the bad cells won't overcome the antibodies created. Human values will prevail. Peace, dignity and hope for all!

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