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  • Foto do escritorandreafanganiello

Figures of speech

       There are many ways of saying the same message: very politely, politely, humorously politely, sarcastically, ironically,  being rude, extremely rude and Trump's style. 

       We all have opinions and views about the world that surrounds us, that's one of the reasons why we've got brains. We can speak our minds about facts, but there's no need to intentionally hurt others. If somebody doesn't like an artist's work there's no need to say that directly to the person, right? When Trump said what he said about countries, what did he mean? Corruption, poverty, diseases? Probably. It's very sad. I live in a huge country full of problems in which 50% of the population doesn't have treated water nor treated sewage 😨. That's terrible. But that doesn't mean people can be compared to feces  (see, no need to say s*******).

             When somebody dies, well you prepare the others before saying the bad news... Listen, there's something I need to tell you... (the person will be aware there's a serious topic coming), you know how that person was struggling with that illness, right? Well... and delicately develops the outcome. Everybody knows that, except kids and Trump, cause they have no filter.

            When I read the news in Portuguese, it was written: "Trump usa palavras de baixo calão", meaning he used very low and inapropriated words to refer to people. Euphemisms can be polite and funny to use! Try to say something in a very polite and unusual way! I am responsible for cleaning my dog's bathroom, so when she does number 2 at home, my mom usually tells me so that I clean it. But she's Italian and loud and always taught me great manners, so I suggested: "mom don't tell me this like that, let's create another way to say it." So now she's been saying: "The Eden garden is full of flowers!" There, I know it's time to clean my fluffly baby's bathroom. Much better.

            Now, about being blunt... It usually creates in people the willing to respond to it. People from Norway tweeted that they don't wanna move to a s******* country. Now the whole country was offended because their president lacks politeness. And I am super pro being polite, but there's a blunt part of me with indignation that wants to know: Why did he use that part of human bodies if men actually are super excited and turned on about feces holes? Really... Men love those holes. They love making sex in those holes. Some women enjoy it, many don't (Women, you are free to chose!) I personally see no point in mixing sex with pain, blood and the sewage pipe. (And it's very risky for the health to have feces being thrown in the blood). So does that mean Trump wants to be intimate with does countries? 

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