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  • Foto do escritorandreafanganiello

Ivory X Elephants

Check out Slash at 

 and these great artists in this Tiffany campaign talking about how elephants are suffering due to ivory business. Really, those are innocent and magnificent creatures and still some humans would rather have them killed to make ornaments. We don't need their meat, it's not about the circle of life ("that moves us all... till we find our place on the path unwinding" I love this song!). 

        And I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian (although I admire those who have the strength to be), but I really think this is totally unnecessary. There are many ways to be fancy and have chic ornaments without destroying innocent creatures. This is one of the many reasons I like Swarovski so much (who doesn't?!). 

        Diamond's business is drenched with human blood and unreasonable working conditions. Still, the products these workers collect are so costly. If I ever get married (God only knows, men are so badly represented) I don't want an engagement ring with a real diamond or brilliant, I don't want to carry in my finger the pain of so many lives. Dear Mr. Right, if you ever read this please buy one from Swarovski. 

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